65th Thessaloniki Film Festival at MOMus-Experimental Center for the Arts
November 1, 2024 - November 24, 2024Festival's main exhibition "We, the Monster"
Two up-and-coming Greek visual artists, Malvina Panagiotidi and David Sampethai, are approaching with their works the thematic ax that runs through the large-scale tribute of the 65th Thessaloniki International Film Festival: the Monster, an archetypal symbol from the dawn of human existence that served as a source of inspiration for every form of art and culture. The Festival commissioned the two visual artists to create works in constant dialogue with each other, but also with the 22 films screened as part of the "We, the Monster" tribute.
Curated by: Orestis Andreadakis
Production-Coordination: Thanos Stavropoulos, Nikoletta Tsatsou
Opening days and hours
Duration: 1 – 24 November 2024
Opening: Saturday 2 November 2024 / 18:00
Opening days and hours: 1 – 10.11.2024: 10:00-22:00
Opening days and hours: 12 – 24.11.2024: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday: 10:00-18:00 & Thursday: 12:00-20:00
Free admission
Visual installation "Interfears" by Jesper Just
As part of the 65th Thessaloniki International Film Festival's tribute to the work of the moving image artist Jesper Just, his most recent work "Interfears" (2023), is presented as an art installation. In this piece, which explores the emotional landscape of an actor's brain, Matt Dillon rehearses a monologue tied in an fMRI scanner while the machine records and maps his brain waves into 2D and 3D representations. Combining the depiction of emotions with fMRI technology, the film examines emotions as cultural goods with a detached look, and assesses emotional representations as artificial – whether they are acted out by an actor or captured by a machine.
Opening days and hours
31.10 – 10.11.2024 / 10:00-22:00
Free admission